Apple Love Spell
You will need: One apple Twist the stem of an apple. On each rotation call out a letter of the alphabet. Begin with A. The letter you call out as the stem comes off will be the initial of your true lo...
Hex for Keeping Free of Office Politics
What’s more vicious than a rabid Doberman? What causes more carnage than a T-rex? What is as venomous as a rattlesnake and as poisonous as a scorpion? That’s right! Office politics! An off...
Love Me Forever Spell
Love is as fickle as a cat. You’ve got a hot love going — adoration, great times, maybe even a bit of (gasp!) commitment! Things are going grandly and will probably continue to do so. But...
To Catch the Eye of Another
You can’t keep your eyes off him, so why doesn’t he glance back at you? You are royal and deserving! He should at least have the decency to return the look — and then some! This...
Spring Tree Money Spell
Get a small tree to plant, a Birch tree or an Oak is best. Take a silver coin you have been carrying for at least a week and, on a full moon in the spring, plant the tree and put the coin among the ro...
Tossing a Coin in Water for Luck
It is a tradition in many parts of the world to toss a coin in a well, brook or sea for luck. Here are three traditional rymes to use to get what you wish for. I THROW A COIN INTO A WELL SOON MY LUCK...
Graveyard Spell for a Fortune
At midnight go to a graveyard and find the grave of a very rich person. Leave a silver coin upon the grave saying three times: I LEAVE A COIN UPON THIS GRAVE SOON I WILL A FORTUNE SAVE ! Then thank th...
Blessing of a Sacred Garden Water Spot
You will need: some blue flowers (or a lotus) a stone from the ocean a stone from a spring or river a stone from a lakeshore a cup of springwater On a full moon, bring the blue flowers (or a lotus), t...
Hot Damn Spell
Unforgettable, that’s what you are … hotter than blue blazes and steam heat. Slowly you enter the party and everyone’s mouths drop open. The guests whisper to each other, “Who...